Thursday, April 1, 2010

One Last Burn Out

This is the end of the car remake series. Through the journey of discovering and researching new cars and ideas of the automotive industry I have learned that any thing can be remade. Now the question that lingers, even now, is who has the power to decide to that the remake was successful? For I am not that person, I stick to my opinions and how I personally examine cars from the inside out. Any person that has a new rendition of a car could love it, enjoy it and appreciate what the car company has done. I am a very critical person when it comes to cars because that is what I want to do the rest of my life is to be involved in the auto industry.

If you have read my blogs I applaud you because I know some of them were long and probably boring if you don't care about cars. And thanks to everyone who commented and gave me their opinions of what I am so passionate about.
Exploring the world of automobiles has taught me a few things. 1) Expect the unexpected; You never know what the future holds for cars when the economy has been on the downfall 2) Stick to what you know and what you like; If you are looking for a car get one that you love and not what other people think, its about you. 3) Wether you know it or not you share a relationship between you and your car, so make it a good one; You rely on your car to get from point A to point B, you have memories that have involved your car, it could be back seat love or jammin' to some music with your friend, so take care of it.
Once again I am signing off waving goodbye to the car remake analysis. Even though I am done people and enthusiast will continue to critique and formulate ideas towards the future.

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